Using the Law of What? Part 1

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Today my blog is about using the Law of Mind Action, as Charles Fillmore, co-founder of Unity, called it. Or, as it is more commonly known – the Law of Attraction.

For those of you who are familiar with this subject it will be a bit of a refresher, while for those who are new to the concept, a very basic primer.
For those of you who don’t know too much about the subject of the LAW, as I will call it, please consider this neat quote from James Dewar “Minds are like parachutes – they work best when open.” Concepts such as: like attracts like, you create your own reality and your thoughts today shape your tomorrows might not be that new or unusual for many of you, but for some – it will be a real stretch. So please keep your mind open and consider the possibilities.

The book and the movie entitled “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne created quite a lot of hype and controversy when it first came out a number of years ago.
Have you seen it?
Read the book?
“The Secret” referred to the Law of Attraction, which is based on the concept that “like attracts like” and the premise that the whole Universe and everything in it operates based on that Law. This Law, like gravity, functions all of the time, whether we are aware of it or believe in it, or not. It can be consciously employed by anyone to attract or “manifest” into his or her life more of the objects, people, circumstances and situations that the person wants and less of what she or he doesn’t want.

So how does It Work?
The Law of Attraction incorporates the principle that there is an unlimited amount of everything for everyone in the Universe, that there is no lack of anything, and that our thoughts today shape our tomorrows. It proposes that what we focus on in life expands, that we create our own reality, and that our “thoughts become things”.
In the New Thought Movement this concept is expressed as “Thoughts held in mind produce after their own kind”. Or as Ralph Waldo Emerson said: “You become what you think about all day long.”
According to the Law, the future stems from our decisions, our choices and actions in the present, and our material world is merely a reflection of our inner world. By changing the inner we will see changes in the outer, the material, world. We are therefore ultimately responsible for everything that happens to us, since we have attracted, one way or another, all that comes our way.
There really is no such thing as blame, and victimhood technically does not exist. How can we blame someone or something else for what we ourselves have attracted, and how can we see ourselves as victims if we have created our own reality?
This concept of personal responsibility is definitely not an easy one to accept and causes, or has caused, numerous individuals to question the whole premise of the Law.
Have you questioned it?
I certainly have.

Many, if not most of us, have spent our whole earthly existence believing that things just happen to us; that others are responsible for either positive or negative outcomes in our lives; that the Universe conspires for or against us; that others have all the luck or that we are the fortunate ones; and that an outside source, a god of some sort, controls whatever appears in our lives.
We are quick to judge, criticize and condemn, and to give away our personal power by blaming others. At the same time, we refuse to accept the fact that we have a choice in how we react to whatever happens to us, or admit that we have ultimate control over all that occurs in our lives.
To truly understand the Law of Attraction we, therefore, have to rethink most of everything we have learned about how the Universe, and how our personal world, operates.

What’s the History of the Law of Attraction?
The Law supposedly originated as a concept in ancient Babylonian and Egyptian times, over 3000 yrs. ago, but somehow many of its central principles got lost over the years. Aspects of the Law, however, continued to be represented in various religious belief systems. Let’s take a look:
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” “And all things whatsoever you shall ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive. “ Those quotes come from Christianity – those words are attributed to Jesus the Christ.
“All that we are is a result of what we have thought.” “The mind is everything. What we think we become.” That’s in Buddhism from Gautama Buddha.
“A man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is.” That’s in Hinduism from Lord Krishna.

Now the Law regained its popularity in “New Thought”, a spiritual movement that was born in the States in the 19th century. Wallace Wattles was a major proponent and teacher of this concept. His philosophy basically centers on the idea that an infinite intelligence is contained in everything that exists, and that thoughts, words, and actions, all of which are vibrational energy, manifest themselves into this world as “things”.
You may remember that Albert Einstein created the famous equation “E = MC²” in relation to his Special Theory of Relativity. That’s energy, equals mass, times the speed of light, squared. It basically means that everything is energy and, since energy cannot be created or destroyed, it merely takes different forms.
Since thoughts are vibrational energy, they manifest themselves into forms or “things”– objects, people, situations and circumstances.
As Dr. Einstein said: “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not Philosophy. This is Physics”.

Stay tuned for next month’s blog about the LAW.

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Keep manifesting good things 🙂 Tony