Beep beep.
That’s what my littlest grandson says each time he hears my watch alarm go off.
Every hour on the hour.
Why so often?
Well, it’s because each time I hear it beep, or when the grandfather clock in our living room dongs on its hourly mission, it brings me back to who I am.
Whenever I hear it, I stop what I am doing and I close my eyes.
And I then repeat my affirmation and denial for that day.
It centers me and brings me back to the NOW.
By the way –I don’t do it while driving or when I’m in a conversation with my wife :)
Now, an affirmation is like a declaration or pronouncement, while a denial is a negation or a release statement.
For example, today my denial is: I release fear, doubt, and anger, criticism, judgement, and blame.
My affirmation is: I proclaim peace, love, joy, truth and beauty, forgiveness, gratitude, and abundance.
So, try it on for size. Make up your own.
Rinse and repeat.
Keep manifesting 🙂
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