Great Affirmations for Great Health

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My health means a lot to me, and I suspect your health means a lot to you as well. You can have all the money in the world, but it means nothing if you don’t have good health.

I worked in Long Term Care and Retirement Homes for years and heard so many of the residents wish they had taken better care of themselves. Many of them talked about a willingness to give up all of their financial wealth if they could only have better health.

To assist you in keeping or gaining good health you might consider using affirmations that help you manifest the level of health, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual, that you desire.

Here are a few of them that I pulled together from a variety of sources. Use some, none, or all of them as you see fit. Modify them to your heart’s content. I personally use a number of them every day.

I am full of vitality, joy, and enthusiasm

I accept and love myself exactly the way that I am, and am co-creating a better me

I am sober, vibrant, and enthusiastic

I pray that all those experiencing poor health experience healing while accepting their illness or disability and allowing it to bring to them whatever wisdom is intended

My body has returned to its natural state of perfect health

I am open and receptive to the Divine’s healing spirit

I am safe, nurtured, and protected

I am a conduit for loving, healing energy and through me, it flows to all who need it, including myself

I am healed from all illness, ailments, and hurts, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual

I give thanks for the wealth, health, friends, family, and laughter that surrounds me

I am great the way I am right now

I am incredibly deserving of love, great health, prosperity, and success

I get the help I need, when I need it, from various generous sources.

I am extremely healthy and attractive

I am beyond all addictions, habitual compulsions, and negative patterns of behavior

I am healed

I am a source/conduit of healing for all things/beings

I leave the doctor’s office feeling thrilled and happy about my great health, positive vital signs, perfect weight, and excellent bloodwork results which are much better than expected for my age and body type

I am fit and healthy, strong and flexible, sober and energetic, vibrant and mentally alert

Every day I exercise/work out/stretch and run/ bike daily, and experience refreshing and restful sleep each night.

I consume only quality nutrition, am well hydrated, and eat healthy meals and snacks that I have blessed with gratitude

I hold only positive thoughts and release all negative energy

My angels and spirit guides assist and support my good health throughout each day

This or something even better still.   For My Best and Highest Good and that of everyone around me. And so it is!  Thank You, Source.

By the way, you can access a wealth of other great affirmations by going to my March 2018 blog called “Your 45 Healthy Affirmations/Declarations”. The blog is password-protected, so just enter the word “Health” and you’re good to go!

Keep manifesting only good things 🙂 

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