Money Does Grow on Trees Part 2

Today I’m continuing my blog about prosperity consciousness and ways to connect with it, and about how we set up our own realities and limitations. I’m talking to you about the subject of money.

As you know, we are co-creators with Source, attracting abundance and creating reality through thoughts held in Mind. So, all we need to is think differently – right? We just need to change our beliefs – right? Easier said than done – right? If you are like me, you have been told over and over again:

  Money is filthy – as in the filthy rich
  We have less because others have more
  We’ll never be rich
  If we are materialistic, we can’t be spiritual
  Too much money is a bad thing
  Honest people live humble lives
  Money is the root of all evil
  We can have money only if we work hard for it
  We can’t be super rich and remain honest at the same time
  If we are not successful, we are not worthy
  Money doesn’t grow on trees

Any of that sound familiar? Yeah, you bet it does! Esra B. Ogut, author of Money Does Grow on Trees asks us “What is reality? Is it something outside of us, fixed, dictating the rules of the game, and we either get it right or wrong? Or is reality simply an exact reflection of our individually held beliefs. Imagine,” she says, “…just for a second, that you have your very own ATM machine, and that you can withdraw as much money as you need each and every time you visit it. What’s more, when you do, others won’t have less because of it. Who would you be BEING, in relationship to money, if that were the case? You would be prosperous – right? Because money DOES grow on trees!”

Let’s now do a little exercise from the book.
I’ll ask you 10 short questions  and all you have to do is silently answer them to yourself. You might want to close your eyes as you do so.

  Who was the main breadwinner in your family growing up?
  What was his or her relationship to money?
  How did your parents’ relationship to money make you feel as a child?
  What is your earliest memory around money?
  What were some of the things you kept hearing about money? Things you observed    about it. Experienced because of it?
  What is a pleasant memory you have about money?
  Conversely what is the most unpleasant memory you have about money?
  What were your ultimate conclusions about money? Do you see correlations       between your financial life now and the conclusions and myths around money you     formed as a child or young adult?
  If you were to come up with your own authentic, current, and updated definition of    prosperity, what would it be?
 What would your life look like with your new definition of prosperity? Think of   some of the details.

Now open your eyes and prepare to manifest prosperity. Here’s an affirmation from Dr. Catherine Ponder, founder of Unity Church Worldwide:  “Large sums of money, big happy financial surprises, and rich appropriate gifts now come to me, under grace, in perfect ways, for my personal use. And I use them wisely.”
How does that sound? How does it make you feel? Pretty good EH?

How about these? 
Every day in every way I am becoming more prosperous, affluent, wealthy. and rich.
Copious amounts of money flow to and through me and I use them for my good and the good of others.
I am increasing my share of the unlimited abundance of the Universe.
I serve the Source and money serves me.
Money is my useful and obedient servant.
Money is Good – it is divinity in action.
I gratefully and joyfully receive frequent and opulent financial gifts, prizes, returns, blessings, and opportunities, monetary surprises, winnings, gains, and awards.

Use affirmations like those daily. Ask for, expect, remain open, and gratefully receive your financial abundance.
Let’s consider the following  from Lessons in Truth by Emilie Cady:
“One of the unerring truths in the universe (by “universe” I mean the spiritual and natural worlds combined)” she says “…is that there is already provided a lavish abundance for every human want. In other words,” “the supply of every good awaits the demand.
Another truth is that the demand must be made before the supply can come forth to fill it. To recognise these two statements of Truth and to affirm them are the whole secret of understanding faith – faith based on principle. “

So then. Make your demand of the Universe through prayer and affirmations, calling forth the abundance that is already provided. Good is already here, already available, even when we can’t see it yet. Abraham Hicks tells us that this abundance, everything you have ever wanted, is “in vibrational escrow”.  Your belief and faith bring it into manifestation.

Everyone is an extension of Source Energy, and everyone has access to infinite intelligence, all you have to do is tune yourself to its vibrational frequency.

Stay tuned for next month’s blog about MONEY.

If interested in getting  my free e-bookclick here. Also, don’t forget to check out the AbundanceTogether Facebook page for your daily inspiration here.

Keep manifesting good things 🙂 Tony