Your Very Best Quote of the Week -Vol. 14


Each Saturday [or thereabouts] I share with you a really good quote. Now, the weekly quote may be one that I enjoy the most or perhaps one that is quite controversial, or unusual, or thought-provoking.

You may agree with it. Or not.
Either way, please let me know what you think.

February 26, 2022
“None of us is is getting out of here alive,
So please stop treating yourself like an afterthought.
Eat the delicious food.
Walk in the sunshine.
Jump in the ocean.
Say the truth that you are carrying in your heart
Like a hidden treasure.
Be silly.
Be kind.
Be weird.
There is no time for anything else.”
Richard Gere 

February 19, 2022
“For even as the drop circulates through clouds
And plants and the cells of human beings,
Bringing the blessing of life to many forms,
It will reunite one day with its Source,
The great ocean of love that creates and sustains the wholeness of life.”
Joan Borysenko

February 12, 2022
“Truly, if human beings only knew
Of how many miracles they performed every day,
Just by being here,
Nothing else in our lives would ever again overwhelm us,
Frighten us,
Or seem impossible.”
Mike Dooley

February 5, 2022
“Things may happen around you,
And things may happen to you,
But the only things that matter are the things that happen in you”
Eric Butterworth

January 29, 2022
“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness,
And many of our people need it sorely on these accounts.
Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things
Cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth
All one’s lifetime.”
Mark Twain

January 22, 2022
“If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain;
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain.”
Emily Dickenson

January 15, 2022
“If you want to change the fruits,
You will first have to change the roots.
If you want to change the visible,
You must first change the invisible.”
T. Harv Eker

January 8, 2022
“We are born of a Divine Intelligence that expresses as the entire Universe.
An Intelligence that’s responsive, caring, and in love with us.
We’re here to live lives of beauty and meaning,
And to those ends we have but to think and the elements bow;
To speak and our words summon legions;
To physically move and the stars of our lives are rearranged.”
Mike Dooley

January 1, 2022
“Often when you think you’re at the end of something,
You’re at the beginning of something else.”
Mr. [Fred] Rogers

December 25, 2021
“Kindness is like snow.
It beautifies everything it covers.”
Kahlil Gibran

December 18, 2021
“You are given the gifts of the gods,
You create your reality according to your beliefs.
Yours is the creative energy that makes your world.
There are no limitations to the self except those you believe in.”

December 11, 2021
“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion
Against injustice and lying and greed.
If people all over the world…would do this, it would change the earth.”
William Faulkner

December 4, 2021
“Since we’ve destroyed ourselves and the world through senseless hatred,
Then surely we can restore ourselves and the world through senseless love.”
Rav Kook

November 27, 2021
“You have power over your mind – not outside events.
Realize this, and you will find strength.”
Marcus Aurelius

November 20, 2021
“There is no difficulty that enough love will not conquer.
No disease that love will not heal.
No door that enough love will not open.”
Emmet Fox

Keep manifesting good things 🙂

If interested in getting a free copy of my mini e-book  click here.

13 Affirmations of a Prosperous Spirit


Dr. Joe Vitale wrote “The Awakened Millionaire – A Manifesto”

In that neat book he shared with us his 13 affirmations

For achieving spiritual and financial success.

They are declarations for you – the spiritual entrepreneur

I’ve adapted them for you so that you can use them to help you achieve

Total abundance!

Here goes:

I affirm that as a divine embodiment of prosperity

1. I am driven first by my passion, purpose, and mission.
2. I use money as a soulful tool to make a positive impact.
3. I am persistently empowered, believing in myself absolutely.
4. I am committed to growing, improving, reinventing, and always discovering.
5. I am unshakably bold, taking calculated risks, and not hesitating.
6. I am guided by the soulful resonance of my intuition.
7. I know wealth is everything that I have, not just money.
8. I hold a deep gratitude for all that I have and achieve.
9. I am permanently connected to Universal abundance.
10. I am generous, ethical, and focused on the good of others.
11. I champion the spirit of win–win–win for all concerned.
12. I soulfully share my entrepreneurial gifts.
13. I lead by example as the catalyst for transformation in others.

I see the face of the Divine in everyone I meet, and I take baby steps in the direction of my dreams, every day!

This or something even better still.

For my highest good and the highest good of everyone around me.

And so it is.

Thank you, divine intelligence. 

Keep manifesting only good things 🙂 

If interested in getting a free copy of my mini e-book and subscribing to my e-mailing list click here.