23 Declarations for the Spiritual Entrepreneur


T. Harv Ecker is the author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

[Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth]

In that neat book he shares with us his declarations [like affirmations]

For achieving spiritual and financial success.

They are declarations for you – the spiritual entrepreneur

I’ve adapted them for you so that you can use them to help you achieve

Inner World growth for your Outer World success.

Here goes:

Placing my hand on my heart I state the following declarations:

  1. My inner world creates my outer world.
  2. What I learned about money isn’t necessarily true. I choose to adopt new ways of thinking that support my happiness and success.
  3. What I modelled around money was their way. I choose my way
  4. I release my non-supportive money experiences from the past and create a new and rich future for myself.
  5. I observe my thoughts and entertain only those that empower me.
  6. I create the exact level of my financial success.
  7. My goal is to become a millionaire and more.
  8. I commit to being rich.
  9. I focus on opportunities over obstacles.
  10. I think big! I choose to help thousands and thousands of people.
  11. I get ready, I fire, and I aim. [3 simple steps to success]
  12. I promote my value to others with passion and enthusiasm.
  13. I admire, bless and love rich people, and I am one too.
  14. I am an excellent receiver. I am open and willing to receive massive amounts of money into my life.
  15. I model and associate with rich and successful people who can do it, and so can I.
  16. I choose to get paid for my results.
  17. I am bigger than my problems and I can handle any problems.
  18. I always think “both”: spirituality and prosperity.
  19. I focus on building my net worth.
  20. I am an excellent money manager.
  21. My money works hard for me and makes me more and more money.
  22. I am committed to constantly learning and growing.
  23. I act in spite of fear, doubt, worry, inconvenience, discomfort or mood [6 blocks to action].

Touching my head I say: “I have a millionaire mind!”

This or something better still.

For my highest good and the highest good of everyone around me [the highest and best for all concerned].

And so it is.

Thank you, divine intelligence. 

Keep manifesting only good things 🙂 

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