Why I Did Not Lose It This Time

Lose what? My cool!

Within days of each other: 1. My computer went down and I thought I had lost all of my documents/pictures etc.. 2. My automated e-mail service provider stopped sending out my broadcast e-mails. 3. My daughter and her family arrived from out of town for an overnight visit even though my wife and I were self-isolating.

But I kept calm and carried on.

Here’s the whole story.

The Premier of Ontario announced that some family members could physically reconnect with others not living in the same household during the COVID-19 outbreak. Now, my oldest daughter, her husband, and their little boy live out of town. My wife and I had not spent time with them since mid-February. We had been self-isolating since mid-March and had self-quarantined after our return from a Mexico resort in early March. My daughter, on hearing the public announcement called us, told us about it, and asked if they could come for an overnight visit. We were thrilled with that!

Later that day, after they had arrived and were greeted with hugs and kisses, the Public Health authority in Ontario announced that the Premier was wrong and that families not living in the same household should continue physically distancing. The Premier publicly apologized. Too late for us. Please note that both my wife and I, not being spring chickens anymore, are in the most vulnerable group in the event of a Coronavirus infection!

They stayed for 3 nights and I was cool with that.

Towards the end of their stay my computer [it’s a tower with a big desk-top screen in my home office] stopped working. All of my documents and everything else simply disappeared. I thought it may have been caused by my little grandson playing with the keyboard or my cat walking across it. Nope!
The PowerPoint presentation and the text for the 20 minute message that I was to present the next Sunday on Zoom was totally gone! No back-up. Luckily my wife has a laptop and I was able to re-develop, to some degree, the original information for my message. It took a fair bit of time, but I was cool with that.

As I was with the fact that I had to drive some 45 minutes to the computer repair service to try and get my tower fixed. And the fact that the computer crash happened on a Friday, and I was unable to take it in for repairs until the next Tuesday because it was a long holiday weekend in Canada. I did not get my computer back until almost 2 weeks later [I was cool with that], but most of the lost information was recovered. Apparently things had gone south during a scheduled update of my operating system, but all was well again. I also upgraded my hard drive and committed to more frequent back-ups.

Part way through all that I noticed that my daily e-mails that I had previously prepared for broadcast to the AbundanceTogether community were not being sent out. I would have normally been on top of it sooner, but with the family visit and the computer issue I had not been paying attention. So, I contacted my automated e-mail service provider who advised me that I had been ignoring their messages and that they were denying all of the e-mail campaigns that I had developed. In other words, my subscribers, the AbundanceTogether community, were not receiving my daily newsletters.

Now, the warning messages they had been sending me were on Skype, but I rarely ever use that program and had no idea there were outstanding messages in my in-box. Apparently the open rate on my daily e-mails had been declining and was below their threshold. They had therefore advised me to unsubscribe any contacts who had not opened their e-mails from me for the past few months. Since I had not responded to their messages and had not done the subscriber cleanup they had requested, they had shut me down.

As soon as I realized what the situation was, [after various e-mails back and forth over a few days due to “longer than usual wait times”] I immediately unsubscribed my non-opening contacts and was back in the provider’s system. 9 days’ worth of broadcast e-mails were never sent out and not one of my subscribers [including my wife] had told me that they were not getting their daily fix of AbundanceTogether. But I was cool with that.

Now, you may be wondering why I was cool with all of the things that happened, as noted above. Would I not normally have lost my temper, gotten angry at the situations, felt frustrated and acted rudely with the perpetrators? Yes – in the past. But I had been reading spiritual and self-improvement books and watching self-help videos and had come to the realization that what was happening in my life was as it should be; that I had manifested all of the events and circumstances through the Law of Attraction; and that there was absolutely no point in getting out of shape over it. I had learned to just let go, to accept, to forgive, and let it be. To live in the moment – in the NOW!

Will I be able to maintain my calm and cool in the event other things go “wrong” in my life in the future, as I know they will inevitably happen? Well, I intend it to be so! And I expect my wife will hold me to it!

Hope you enjoyed my blog. Let me know what you think of my story.

Keep manifesting only good things 🙂

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