The Chickens and The Eagle


A few weeks ago I listened to a friend of mine deliver a message to a local spiritual community. She included a fascinating story about an eagle who thought it was a chicken. You may have heard it or maybe not. I had not, so I thought I’d share this version with you.

There’s an old, quite well known story of a farmer who found an eagle’s egg.
When he got home he put the egg in with the few chickens he kept in his yard. Immediately one of the hens wandered over and sat down over the magnificent egg; and she couldn’t have been prouder.
Sure enough, some weeks later the egg hatched, and from the egg emerged a fine, healthy egret. And as is in the gentle nature of chickens, they didn’t balk at the stranger in their midst and raised the majestic bird as one of their own.

The young eagle grew up with his brother and sister chicks and whatever they did, the eagle did too. It learned to do all the things chickens do: it clucked and cackled, scratching in the dirt for grits and worms, flapping its wings furiously, flying just a foot or two in the air before crashing down to earth in a pile of dust and feathers.
You see, he believed resolutely and absolutely that he was a chicken, and that was what he was supposed to do.  As a consequence, that was all he was able to do.

One day the eagle-who-thought-he-was-a-chicken happened to look up at the sky. High overhead, soaring majestically and effortlessly on the thermals, with scarcely a single beat of its powerful golden wings, was an eagle!
“What’s that?”  the eagle cried in awe. “It’s magnificent! So much power and grace! It’s beautiful!” He was very impressed. 
“That’s the eagle, the king of the birds,” the hens told him. “He belongs to the sky. We belong to the earth, we are just chickens.”
With that, they all looked back down once more and continued digging in the dirt.

And so it was that the eagle lived and died a chicken… because that’s all he believed himself to be. He listened to those chickens who told him that’s all that he was.

Well, I want to tell you today that you are an eagle, not a mere chicken [no offence to chickens of course].
You may have been brought up with a limited understanding of your potential, but it’s time now to let go of the past and release its hold on you.

Stop listening to those around you who are trying to put you down and keep you in your place. The naysayers, with their limiting beliefs and false paradigms, and negative energies.

Don’t die thinking you’re a chicken. Soar high, just as you were meant to.
Be all that you are meant to be!

Hope you enjoyed the little story.

Keep manifesting only good things 🙂

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