What’s Your Reaction When I Use, Or You Hear, The Term “God”?

So, how do you react when you hear the word “God”?

Well, if you’re anything like me, maybe you cringe a bit. You see, the “God” I learned about when I was a kid was the “God” of the Bible [particularly the Old Testament]. The same one as in the Quran and the Torah. A vengeful, punishing, and demanding being. That was the “God” of my parents and of my church [I was raised in a very conservative Roman Catholic home]. Mary Morrissey in Prosperity Plus suggested that this “God” needed to take some anger management courses. To me “He” was anything but unconditional love.

I stopped believing in that old version of “God” a long time ago.

And I began a lifelong search for a new version. A god that I could relate to and that would relate to me.

Now, Natalie Ledwell of Mind Movies says “…universal source energy, or God, is the timeless physical and nonphysical energy that makes up all things and holds everything together. It’s the building block of everything we see and don’t see.  In essence it’s the natural energy flow of life.”

Joan Borysenko adds “… god is one of the most loaded words in the English language. It has often served as a screen for our projections of fear, inadequacy and intolerance.”

And Neale Donald Walsch tells us that, contrary to what I was taught “Man was not created in the image of God but instead created god in the image of man.”

So, following that line of thinking, the “God” I was taught about was merely a larger version of ourselves.

And that caused me some difficulty.

So, I did a bit of research and found that there were more names for “God” than I ever imagined.

Some call Infinite Intelligence “God”. Others call Him/Her/It  [in no particular order] the Source, the Divine Presence, the Abundant Universe, Spirit, Divine Mind, the One, Principle, Substance, the Universe, the Good, Higher Power, All That Is, the Total Field of Possibilities, the Goddess, the Essence, the Holy Spirit, Allah, Supreme Being, the Tao, or the Oneness.

“God” is also known as the Infinite, the Eternal, the Truth, Logos, The Word, Vortex, Krishna, the Almighty, Lord, Creator, Yahweh, Heavenly Father, Prime Mover, First Cause, Alpha and Omega, Christ Consciousness, the Force, Jehovah, Holy Mother, Creator, Great Spirit, Yahweh, The I Am, Shiva, Tara, Inanna, the Light, Shakti, Ishwara, Ram, Infinite mind, Jesus, Divine Presence and more.

A rose by any other name…..

Personally I choose, or prefer to use, the terms the Source, Divine Mind, or the Universe. No matter what name you choose to use to describe this oneness, I believe it is the same vibrational energy, an essence, which permeates all substance and anything and everything that exists. I suppose you could just call it “Life”. All that is.

Maybe your god is science, money, career, beauty, fame, celebrity, or intellect. But that god of yours is not really the complete god. It’s only a very small portion of the all.

 According to A Course of Love, “Everyone has a god because everyone has a being and an identity for being. Everyone carries the memory of I Am.”

So, stop cringing [if that’s what you do] when you hear the word “God”, as if it was the rule-making, punishing, and authoritarian version of old that you remembered. Instead, celebrate the new version of the loving Source.

Raise your glass in a toast. L’chaim [ləḥayyīm]: To LIFE.

Keep manifesting 🙂 


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